Sunday, August 27, 2006

Another stay at Rico's

Since I have no concept of time, I can't tell you when I was last over at Rico's, but it seemed like yesterday. But I went over and only Christine was there. I don't know where Rico was, but no matter, as I dig chicks more anyways... nothing beats sticking my nose in between their legs and getting a good back scratch! Anyhow, it was a pretty quiet evening... had to laugh at making Christine pick up my poop however - not sure she was going to be able to cope with that.

The next day, after what would seem like hours, both Rico and Christine came home! Rico looked rough - he was away in Montreal for a week, and was partying hard I guess. I would soon find out what he was feeling like. Regardless, I got out on my grass and did what I do best - wriggle around on my back and make eggbeater patterns in the air with my legs! The frickin' bunny was still running around in the next yard, and I watched intently.

The next day, more of the same... Rico and I go for a walk early in the morning before Christine gets her lazy ass out of bed. When we get back, I run into the house to wake her up by sticking my wet nose in her face, and breathing hard on her (I know I have bad breath). Christine was suntanning out in the yard, and I joined her most of the day. Rico did some stuff around the garage, then we all went inside to get out of the heat and watch a movie. I don't think we finished the movie, as we all ended up having an afternoon nap. I tell you, this place is awesome (except that frickin' screen door - ran into it again last night!).

That evening, we took a road trip and ended up at a house where there was a human that looked just like Rico, but without any hair. Turns out this is his brother, Mike. Anyhow, there is another BBQ taking place, and there is plenty of fun to be had here. That bitch Chelsey (a yellow lab) was there, but I don't really like her, and spent most of my time trying to get the small humans to throw the ball for me. I found a yellow chew toy (it was on the ground, so it must be mine) and I quickly tore the head off it. One of the little humans was squirting water at me, but being an old dog, I took it all in without fuss - Rico made her stop anyways.

Another morning, another poop. Then Rico was out back painting his gates, but I was wiped! I partied too hard last night, and now I can barely lift my head off the ground. I can't believe I'm saying this, but today, I don't need to chase the ball. And normally, I hang out in the shade, but today, I'm so beat, I need the sun to recharge my batteries. But it's great having my two surrogate humans to hang out with on these sunny afternoons.

Later dudes,


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