Monday, July 09, 2007

King Lewis

In the past 6 months some of you have made some subtle and not so subtle comments about my weight and as a result my crazy masters have decided to cut down on my regular food, ease up on the treats, and run me harder. Let's first of all understand that I have been eating the same freakin' dog food for 11 years, I don't get alot of treats to begin with, and running 9km in the heat is not my idea of a good time. It's not like I eat at the buffet every night and then to cut back on my measely portions is a bit of a slap in the face! I am 11 years old for cryin' out loud (that's 77 for you idiots) and running hard ain't where its at for me! Capiche?

Now then, I really didn't want to go the vet, but to settle this issue I thought it was best. I sat on their stupid scale and won't ya know it.....apparently I weighed 74.3 lbs in December of 2002 (although hell if I remember), and today weighed in at a whoppin' 74 lbs! That's right kids a real 'tub-o', 'fat albert' over here!

So next time you humans , and you know who you are, belly up to a full plate of pasta, steak and fresh pie, perhaps you should think about you're own weight, push away, and chow done on your words!

Have a nice day...arf


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Max's vacation

Hi. My name is Max. I am staying at my Auntie's place while my family is on vacation
to the Domincan Republic.

I have been here for 2 weeks so far, it has been fun, but I'm looking forward to seeing my 2 buds, Brooklyn & Jaeda. I think I'm heading home this weekend!

I discovered this animal at the house next door. I have a great view from the patio into the neighbour's yard.

Auntie & Uncle keep saying "Don't bug Bunny... stop bugging Bunny!" Well, whatever it is, he is sure fun to look at.

I know that Bunny likes me to bug him because he sits right by the fence and wiggles his nose at me. I cry and cry. I so want Bunny to come play in my yard... or better yet, if I keep working at the fence, I'll be able to go over to say hi. Just a couple more scratches and bumps with my nose, and the fence panel will come right out!

So... I met the girrrrl of my dreams. And she lives right next door! Her name is Idaho. She is a red head...ruff!

In the mornings, before I head out for a walk, I stand on the deck and cry to see her. But she doesn't come out.

After a hard days work, I can't wait to see her.

I'm just so happy to see her! I grin from ear to ear!

We have so much fun together. We just laugh and laugh as we play.

I'm going to miss her when I go home, but I know I'll see her again.